Massive Agent Podcast

Are New NAR Rules About to Change Again?

Dustin Brohm Episode 336

Just when we think we have our heads wrapped around the new NAR Rules from the NAR Settlement, the U.S. Government comes in and throws a monkey wrench into everything. Well, potentially. 

The U.S. DOJ recently said that they don't think that offers of buyers agent compensation should be offered... *checks notes*... ANYWHERE!
Excuse me? Uhh no. That's not part of the settlement. 

However... shouldn't real estate agents assume that if the DOJ wants some changes made, that at some point in the near future, we'll have rules and structure upended and rejiggered, yet again?

I do. 

However, in this episode we talk about what you should be doing right now to ensure that you'll thrive today, next month, or next year, regardless how they change the rules on us. 

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