Massive Agent Podcast

121: Why Right Now is Actually the Best Time to Be A Realtor

Dustin Brohm Episode 121

On Tuesday, I had the incredible honor of asking a question of John C Maxwell. Yes, THAT John C Maxwell. one of the most well known, most respected speakers, authors, and leaders in the world. His books have sold millions of copies. And little old me was able to ask him one question. Just one. So what did I ask him?

I asked John C Maxwell what advice he would give to a new real estate agent who is just starting out in the industry today, just as our economy and our industry was flipped upside down, or to a real estate agent who was just starting to gain some traction and having some success. I asked him what he'd say to a real estate agent who was thinking about quitting the business.

John Maxwell's answer was fairly short and to the point, but incredibly impactful and profound.

In this episode, you'll hear why John C Maxwell says that right now, in the middle of this pandemic, is not a bad time to become a real estate agent, but rather it's a great time. You'll hear why he believes that Realtors just starting out in our industry today are lucky because they get to learn their hard lessons during hard times at the front end. He says that new Realtors have nothing to lose now while learning the hard lessons, versus having a lot more to lose when they're years into their real estate careers.

I'm currently seeking team leaders in every market for my eXp Realty team. I'll be picking team leaders soon, so if you'd like to be my team leader in your market, shoot me a DM asap.

Watch: eXp Realty Explained


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on this episode, I'm gonna tell you what I learned from John. See, Maxwell? That's right. The John C. Max. Well, I got to ask him a question on Facebook live the other day about our industry and about this specific time in our industry and how so many people who are just starting to find their way and just starting to get traction, everything switched on him. So what do they do? His response was so powerful and so poignant. And in just a couple minutes, he gave me something. He gave me some ideas that I really wanted to share with you today and and dive deep on. So, guys, this if you if you're down about where the market is right now, if you're worried about what's about to happen, if you're worried about whether or not you can survive in this industry, you need a tow. Listen to this theme. Massive agent podcast. We lead generation tips and strategies to give you more leads and sell more homes. I love to buy houses. I like to sell houses, takes brass balls to say, Wait a minute leaves a week. You're week. I've had better. Oh, I got your attention. Now, here's your hose. Dustin Brohm, What is up? Everybody? Welcome to Episode 1 21 of the massive agent podcast. I'm your host, Dustin Brome. And I'm so glad to be with you today. I am. Damn, I'm excited. Um, real quick. I'll get my intro out of the way, and then we jump right into it. My name's Dustin Brohm. I am the co founder of the Industry Syndicate Real Estates Podcast Network. This show is a proud founding member of the industry syndicate. I am. I'm a realtor in Salt Lake City, Utah, with E x p Realty. Have been an agent for over nine years. I'm a national speaker when they are doing conferences about all things real estate marketing and podcasting. I write a weekly column for housing wire every Friday afternoon, and the founder of the massive Agent Society are one agent per market coaching training legion platform real quick before I get into what I learned from John Maxwell about how lucky we are right now to be in this industry right now, Whether we've been in the business for 20 years or you just started last week, I promise you. This is the best time to get involved in this industry. You guys are gonna love this, so I'm gonna dive deep in just a second. But first, I have an announcement that I'm super excited about my good friend Neil Math leg from the agent rise podcast and founder of Agent Rise coaching. He and I are now officially partners. He's joined my E x p realty team as an e x p agent himself. And we are. We're not combining our programs or anything like that. We're still very much independent. The massive Agent Society is still my thing and run by me. He offers agent rise coaching, which is very different. It's for how to be a great real estate agent, how to have a business plan, you know how to set up your business like all that stuff. You know how to do open houses, all these things, and he's great with that. But he and I are now offering our coaching for free for anyone who joins our E X p team. So if you join with Neil, you not only get Neil's agent rise coaching for free, you'll get you'll get a free membership to my massive agent society programas. Well, um, anyone if you if you're already with r e x p team prior to Neal joining you're still going to get access to his amazing coaching program at a very highly discounted rate we we want to give the resource is we have available to our team to succeed. So, uh, you know, that's that's how we do that. So if you are, if you've ever thought about joining e x, p e or even just wanted to know what the hell all the momentum is all about, what all the well that didn't really make sense. If you want to know why there's all this momentum, why it's growing so fast. All I'm gonna say is, go watch a video. I'm not gonna try to explain it. I'll screw it up. Go watch a video, go to massive agent podcast dot com slash e x p click play below that, if you want to dive a little deeper, have a zoom call to figure out how Neil and myself can help you to grow your business in partner with you in your market. Then schedule a zoom call with me it's embedded right there on that page right below the video player. You can schedule a call at a time that's convenient for you, and that's it. So super stoked. Neil Math wig. Welcome to E X P Realty. So stoked to be kind of combining our offering of massive agent society and your agent rice coaching for any of our agents who who decide to partner with us. Alright, guys, um, I got I got this opportunity last last No one, was it. So this will come out Thursday. It was on Tuesday. So just a couple days ago, some of you guys may have seen it live, but movement mortgage, the mortgage company, they they got John. See Maxwell, the John See Maxwell from? Well, if you don't know John Maxwell, then you He's up there with Zig Ziglar. Brian Tracy, He's ah, he runs the world's biggest coaching company. He's sold more non fiction books than anyone else ever. Incredible And ah, but I didn't really know a whole lot about him. I'd read a couple of his books. I certainly knew who he was, but I had never really I didn't I've never really, like jumped in and consumed a lot of his content. But I was invited by Casey Crawford it movement mortgage and some of the movement mortgage people to be one of those lucky few to ask a question of John on this Facebook live. So I'm thinking, okay, how, like I get one question this guy, like he's a wizard, knows everything is just He's so knowledgeable and wise. And he was there to talk about the real estate in the mortgage industry and where we're at right now. And so I'm like, how, like, what should I ask? You get one question. What the hell should I ask? And so what? I settled on and I'm really gonna dive deep here in a second on on his response. But I said I settled on the question, John, for those agents who are just now, like they're just starting thio make traction there, just getting their feet under them. They were just starting to see some success. And then the world completely flipped on him and it happened like quickly over the matter of a week or two. Everything flipped, you know? What do you do like, how do you help those agents who they're still frustrated. They're worried about surviving. They're worried about going out of business. They're worried about, you know, how do they get their next client or when they can even have their next closing? How do you know? What do you advise them to do? His response was absolutely incredible, and he said, right off the bat that this May this may look like a bad time. This may feel like it's a bad time to get started as a real estate agent or to get in the industry or even to be in it at all. It may look like a bad time, but it's actually a great time. You're gonna learn the hard lessons on the front end, and he's so right like So when I got into the business, it was 2011. There were short sales and Oreos for you, for you newer agents, that means real estate owned. It's a bank on property, which is now just a legend, and, uh, you know that they're unheard of for the most part in most markets. But those were everywhere, and so from the the day I started the market improved. It went up it got better bank owned properties. In short, sales and foreclosures just kept getting less frequent and Maur more infrequent. I guess there became less and less of those and prices went up. Um, it just got better technology improved. It just got better and better and better. So, you know, for for a decade it was great. And then all of a sudden, Corona virus hits and boom, the skids air put on and it happened so fast I mean it. Look, I know we didn't just, like, wake up the next morning, and there it was. But in hindsight, it kind of feels like that. It's not like we saw it coming for a year. It happened over the matter of a week or two where we saw it happening in China. And really only then all of a sudden, it's like, Oh, it's here. Oh, crap. Oh, we've got to shut down the economy. Wait, What? It happened so fast we didn't have a whole lot of time to prepare. And so it just pushed Pause. Right, So So a lot of us are like Ah, okay, like it's always been good for me since I started I've never really had to go through a recession or a downturn or a shift. Now I've studied the crap out of it, and I've put myself in positions where I felt like I could actually thrive, Maur and be more successful and have more deals and more business when a shift happened. Okay, and so far that is what's happened, which has been amazing both with with my coaching program and with with E X P Realty. It's been awesome, and my real estate businesses is still just fine. I've actually had a bunch of clients that are like, I think we want to buy or sell now, so that's cool. So far, so good. But most people have not been through a downturn. All right, so it feels like holy crap, like, is everything that we're used to just about to go away? Is it just gonna completely flip on us and it's it's gonna be hard and we're not gonna have any business. And there's gonna be no deals or or if there are, how the hell do we find them? Right? Well, if you've listened to this show for any period of time, every single thing that we talked about with content marketing, with attracting business, with attracting clients with building your online presence and doing it in a not so in your face way like not like a Hey, I'm the best realtor in town. Let me convince you of that. And then you must hire me kind of thing like there's no hard selling involved in anything that I teach at all. All of that. Hopefully you've been doing that because if you continue, your going to thrive in your business is going to explode because those who aren't doing the right things are about to drop out because they don't understand that this this only looks like it's a bad time. But it's actually a great time, guys, if you're new and I'm gonna speak to just the new agents or those that are relatively new within the last couple of years, it may seem like this is about to be bad, that damn it, there's this, like now you have this. The shift in the economy, the shift in the market potentially that's about to happen. That may seem negative, but guys, if you plan on being an agent for forever, like I don't know anyone who's like, I'm going to do this for three years and then bounce like we get into this planning on this being our career, right? Hopefully you didn't get into it. Like I'm gonna do this for three years and bounce whatever. I mean, you do you, But that's okay. Honestly, that's kind of weird. So you get into this thinking that this is your career, So wouldn't it be awesome at the front end of your career to have the hard lessons toe learn how to go through adversity toe, learn how to deal with ah, lot of our competitors dropping out. And maybe time is becoming tougher. And you have to be smarter with your marketing dollars or smarter with your dollars in general. Like all of that, I'd rather learn that up front. See, I'm not learning that till 10 years later. I've I've anticipated something like this happening. It didn't come in the form of a pandemic, but a shift in the economy. Look, anyone with a brain knew that it wasn't just gonna keep going up forever. Okay, We've talked about this on many previous episodes. You know that. I think about this stuff I've prepared, I've planned. I've tried to figure out the best position to be in when it happened. Well, it's happened, and it's weird to be in that spot once it has happened, and everything that you thought would happen, that it was just theory. Now it's starting to come to fruition, and once you're actually in the middle of that happening, it's bizarre. It's great if you put yourself in the right position, which I feel like I have. Things were growing dramatically like this year will be one of my best years ever. When when you zoom out and look at everything that I have going on, it's gonna be awesome. Um, but I'm I'm I'm looking forward to having to being forced to learn how to deal with this new adversity, this adversity that has not existed before. We have now market conditions that did not exist before in my career, and so that's good. So you guys that are getting to do that at the beginning of your careers Congratulations, that's a good thing. So when John Maxwell said that, I was like, you know what? You're right, like how cool would that be. You're just getting started. Get hit in the face now and then you can make a plan and move forward and then it's all gravy and it's all just like then it's just improvement. Then it's just getting better. Rather than you know, you build something up, build something up. You think everything is gonna be great forever. You get used to it. Boom, then you get hit in the face. Then that really sucks because you're not prepared for it. Also a couple of things, he said. You don't truly know someone until you see them go through adversity. That's absolutely true. But internalize that ourselves. We don't really know ourselves until we have to go through adversity until we're hit in the face, so to speak. Everyone has a plan until they get hit in the face. It was Mike Tyson who said that that's so true were all being hit in the face. We all just collectively got punched in the frickin face. So how are we responding? I've seen a lot of you guys respond. Amazingly, you're you're doing more content, you're being more helpful. You're just you're taking advantage of our competitors sitting on the sidelines. You're you're not so worried about closing a deal. You're more concerned about helping the community and just being a lighthouse in the storm. And that's awesome. I've seen others that are just frozen. They don't know what to do. They're like, Oh my God, I should probably start looking for another job and and you stop doing the things that you know she you should be doing out of fear or out of confusion or uncertainty. All right, so we all just got hit in the face. How are you going to respond? The plan that you had may not even be relevant anymore. So what do you do? Do you quit? Do you leave the industry? Do you add former Realtor on your Facebook profile? Do you add former loan officer to your Facebook profile? Hopefully not guys, and I'll get to the last point in a second because it sums it all up. Everything worthwhile is uphill. Everything that's worth having everything that's really meaningful. You have to work for anything that's been given to you. Anything that's thrown in your lap, anything that is free, you don't value as much as something you had to work your ass off for something that you really, really work your ass off for. You have to sacrifice for that is meaningful. So as John Maxwell said on that Facebook live, everything worthwhile is uphill. That doesn't mean that some things aren't easy in the short term or that you have. Um, it seems like you have all green lights for the foreseeable future on something that happens. If you're doing the right things, it might get easier or feel easier. That's good. But eventually, the real estate industry is hard. The real estate industry is not easy. Okay, As a whole, they're maybe periods that feel easy. You may be doing something so well and you do it doing it so consistently that it feels easy. Congratulations. But ultimately this is a very difficult industry. It is. If it was not, it was not difficult. We wouldn't get paid the way that we that we d'oh, we would not have the potential to be paid the way that we are. If anyone could do this, if it was easy. So take comfort in that you're doing something that is not easy. You're doing something that most people can't do or or rather, they're not willing to do. They're not willing to do this work this very important work. So everything worthwhile is uphill. And then the last thing he said that I felt was just perfect. People are quitting all around you and you get a bigger piece of the pie. This is what I've been saying for the last month or so on on the podcast. Our competitors are laying down there, sitting on the sidelines, and a lot of them are never going to get off the sidelines. They're going to sit down and they're not going to know how to get back up. They're gonna, because when they sit down and they stop marketing, they stop spending on spending money on ads. They stop learning, they stop growing. They let all the distractions of being a human in today's world, they let those get in the way and then they don't know how to get back up there if they they think they got back up. But they're not doing anything that that's meaningful, that's gonna grow a business. They're not doing the income earning activities that will earn income. So what's gonna happen to them. Hey, they're going to sit on the sidelines and stay on the sidelines until they eventually leave the game. There's gonna leave. They're going to quit. We're going to see the number of agents also also known as the number of our competitors. We're going to see those numbers go down. We will. That's what happened in the last shift. The big recession. I don't know if this is gonna be a recession, A depression crash. Ah, slight cooling off. Who knows? It's gonna be market specific, too. It's not like every single markets the same. But But we're going to see we're going to see a lot of our fellow agents leaving the business. It's natural when adversity hits, when times get tough or when times just changed dramatically. A lot of people aren't willing to put in the work to adjust, and they've got to make a living so they go elsewhere. I don't know about you, but I'd rather have less competition than more, so it sucks like it sucks for them. It sucks for their families. It sucks for the turmoil and the hardship that they're going through. I've been there. I understand how fricking gut wrenching and difficult. That is when every every time you go to the grocery store, you cringe when you when you are running your card, hoping that it goes through, I know what that's like. I know I know what that's like. And you're worried that whenever you're worried that whenever your wife ghosts goes to get some food from Chick fil A or something, you're worried that any moment you're gonna get a call or a text of the card didn't go through. I know what that's like and that's happening. But guess what? We're adults, right? We make our own choices. And we if we put in the work doing the right things and we are growing, we can avoid those things or at least get ourselves out of those situations quickly and permanently. So it sucks that a lot of people are going through that and will go through that. But that's the way of the world it really is. I know that sounds cold. It's not because I come from that place. I know what that's like, but ultimately we can't control any of that. We can only control what we do. Don't be guilty. Don't feel guilty about someone else's hardships. Try to help him. Sure, try it. I'm not saying Don't be charitable. Don't help. It's not what I'm saying. You know what I'm saying? You have. People will leave the business there. There will be bankruptcies. There will be business failures. They will be unemployment. But look, that can force a lot of people toe, actually innovate and maybe invents something or or start their own company. Or like look, if nobody ever got fired, if nobody ever had hardship, if nobody ever was forced to get creative, to make a living first off the United States of America wouldn't exist like every every major advancement that's ever happened wouldn't have happened. So that's a silver lining, guys, and I'm kind of ranting a little bit here on this and going off on a tangent. I think it's important there silver linings to adversity. So after I heard John Maxwell paint these things in this light, I just thought to myself, I'm like, Wow, I am so grateful for this adversity that I have and that I'm about to have and to some of you guys that may not be in that mindset, that might sound crazy. And I get it because I know what it's like to be in that spot where you're like God, just please don't give me any more hurdles. Can you please just give me a break? I can't handle anything else. And that's what you think of that at the moment. So I get it. But adversity helps you learn, helps you get stronger, forces you to be creative and forces your ingenuity to come out. These are all good things. So guys learn these hard lessons at the front end of your career, we're gonna get hit in the face. We've already been hit in the face and we will continue to get hit in the face over the next number of months. Because we're not. We're not through this thing yet. We're not. We don't know what the residual effects will be once we come out the other end. And what, what? All these unemployment numbers and people losing their jobs and losing their income and everything like that what that's gonna lead to? We don't know yet. So just be prepared for that. But put yourself in a position Tau win. You've gotta diversify your income, please. Guy, whatever. Whatever you need to dio, hopefully you're not distracting yourself with, like, a bunch of other different businesses that distract you, But you have to have multiple streams of income. If you rely on one income source with closing, closing transactions and getting commission, you're so that so risky. You've gotta have other income that's not reliant on your personal activity. Okay, E x p realty is my choice is my way of having multiple income streams, I think is the This is my opinion, okay? It's my opinion based on experience and the perspective that I have based on things I've done, things I am doing and things that I've helped other agents do. I believe that while it's not for everybody, it is for the vast majority of agents and those who are are so they're hell bent against it, don't have the full context or they have not looked at it with open fresh eyes. It is It is the solution, in my opinion, for 98% of you who are looking to diversify where your income comes from, have a safety net. Have a nest egg being built up through the company stock and everything without distracting with going to drive for uber or going to start a soap company or whatever it is. Look, there's a reason why I'm with them. There's a reason why I'm doing what I'm doing and growing an e x p team. I'm not just doing it for fun. I'm not just doing it because I like the blue in the orange. It's because I see it as the best path for a real estate agent to get to financial independence, to get to a financial security, to get to wealth creation that lasts for generations. Your e x p business is, will a ble. If something happened to me, I can Will my e x p revenue share business to my wife. To my family, it is will a ble. It lasts beyond me. That's powerful stuff. So whatever it is for you guys, think creatively. If that's a media company that you create to sell more homes and then you have advertising revenue, he have product placement. You have sponsorship, you have affiliate money. All that stuff that's great. That helps to diversify where your income comes from. That's another great option for any agent who's doing a lot of content that has the media company model. But if you are reliant on one single source of income commission, that's risky as hell, cause if it dries up, if if it dries up, what you gonna do? What you gonna do? I The reason that I even bring all this up is it's important to me to help you to get on a firm financial footing. Long term, I want to help you sell more homes. Yes, but if you are selling more homes and you do that into perpetuity and you're just on the treadmill, that the hamster wheel and you never really build wealth, you never really planned for the future and build it a business that can work and that if you're not building a business that pays you even if you remove yourself from it, what's the point? What's the point? If you're just out there showing homes every day, making offers every day, every day and you're not trying to do anything else other than that 10 years from now I'll find you at your desk doing the same damn thing. If that's all you want. Awesome. I'm totally fine with that. But guys, as real estate agents, we have so many different revenue streams available to us, you just have to reach out and grab it and take action and implement them and do them. So please do that. The time is now. So, guys, hopefully that's a little bit encouraging. Hopefully, you're not so concerned about getting hit in the face. If you wanna watch this Facebook live with John Maxwell, I will embed the video over a massive agent podcast dot com. Um, for this week's episode, I'll embed the Facebook Live in there. It's also found on the movement Mortgage Facebook page from Tuesday, April 13th 2020. You can find it there, and ah, I highly recommend you watch the whole thing. If you want to watch my part, it starts at 52 minutes. It's like 50 to 45 or something, but I highly recommend you watch the whole thing. It made a big impact on me in a positive way. I am so on fire. I'm so optimistic. I'm so excited about what I'm building and what I'm about to help a lot of you guys build and what I want. Hopefully what I can inspire you to do within your own lives and within your own business. That man. We're gonna look back at this time as a huge catalyst for lives being changed in a positive way. Business is, business is being built right now. We're not gonna know until we look backwards. They're being built right now. I'm building one. I hope you are too nice. Thank you so much. Appreciate it. Go out there, Go close and loans. Go sell some homes. Make some tough decisions. Make the hard decisions to take advantage of opportunities that exist. If you want to talk to me about what I'm building and how I can help you do the same thing, you could become a partner of mine. Please reach out. Massive agent on instagram Massive agent on Facebook Go to massive agent podcast dot com slash e x p. Watch the video and the schedule A zoom call with me right there on the same page. And let's chat about what it looks like for you and what you need to know to implement this this business model for yourself, how I'm willing to help you to do the same thing, guys. Thank you. It's just be optimistic. Positive. Be happy. I promise you going through these tough times are good. They're good. If you're willing to put in the work and work through it, take it.